About this Website
This website is made by ESST-Students to create a lively platform for the exchange of ideas.

About ESST -
International Master Program on Society, Science and Technology

The central aim of ESST is to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of technological change on society and to give students the scientific tools to analyse such change through the study of different disciplines.

More specifically, the programs objective is to provide a theoretical, as well as a more policy oriented understanding of the interrelations existing between technology, science and society.

In other words, the ESST is about how science and technology affects the world around us.

And how we in turn influence scientific and technological development.
To address these changes and the complex problems that come with them, the focus of the ESST graduate will be on

- social and economic analysis of
- trategic decision-making management of sciences and (new) technologies
- ethical issues in sciences and technology
- political and cultural analysis of modern science- and technology-based societies

For this the ESST program draws on close collaboration with the people from industry and engineering, policymakers and academia from all over Europe. The ESST program is taught in English and designed to provide training for academics of all backgrounds: social scientists, engineers and human scholars.

All students who successfully pass the ESST Master's Program will receive a Master Degree. The ESST program is offered in close co-operation with other European universities who are members of the European Interuniversity Association on Society, Science and Technology.

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